Random Thoughts

It begins here!

May 11, 2020

Heyyy, you came to see my blog.



My Intro

I am a Final year Btech. Student.

Currently, I am going through a phase of learning and trying lots of different stuff.

Earlier, I used to think that, “Ooooh I don’t like drawing and shit so I won’t do front end and no web development. I would only make softwares and do the backend”.


But as you mature your thought process changes. That’s exactly happened to me. (All thanks to Tanay Pratap sir. Do check his work.

So now I am learning web development from the beginning. Made my portfolio with Html, css and basic js only, no library or frameworks.

Techie techie things

I code in Java. Did all of my competitive programmings in Java;

Also know a few other languages like c, c++, python. Recently, I made a Linkedin web scraper;

Check that out on my Github. Here;

Now I am learning web development;

Next, I will learn MERN stack and build some projects around them;

Not techie techie things.

I did dancing as a hobby.

I learnt the guitar. (This is love).

I learnt 1 song on the flute. (This is tough).

Currently learning keyboard. (This is easy).

That’s all about me.



Connect with me on instagram and linkedin.

Written by Atul Pandey
who is not a writer.
Connect with me on linkedin.